RFQ Service

Our RFQ (Request For Quotation) service is for smaller one off purchases, standard equipment, products or services. These important tenders can be a regular occurrence during the term and take up lot of time and resource. With our super fast BravoSolution e-sourcing suite we can run unlimited tenders for you.

This leaves you with the peace of mind and confidence that you are obtaining the product and service that is for fit purpose, all compliance and due diligence requirements have been met.

RFQ Process – What we do for you:

  • Info Gathering and Service Spec Confirmation with School by TEB
  • Configure RFQ Documentations (signed off by client)
  • Create Advert & Publish Contract Opportunity on TEB Procurement Portal
  • Create Advert & Publish Contract Opportunity on Contracts Finder
  • Allow 1 to 3 Weeks for Bidder Community to Response and Respond to Bidder Questions and Queries
  • Download Submissions and Carry Out Due Diligence, Credit Check, Insurances etc
  • Evaluate Response with School and Select Supplier

Let us take the burden of carrying out these tenders, – we have extensive knowledge and experience gained in the private and public sector from the both a procurement and sales perspective. With our uncapped transparent Gain Share Programme (GSP) you can earn rebates to put back into your school budget.

To speak to a Consultant about Procurement and RFQ Services, please call 0208 396 6846 or Request a Meeting or a Call-back. We can arrange to call you at a time to suit you.

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