Procurement Service

We make it our business to understand your needs and requirements in order deliver the best fit for purpose supplier for your establishment, releasing you to spend time in the classroom and end up with more money on your budget. Being independent ensures that we protect your budget releasing cash you can spend on new equipment, resources and or even employ more staff or the staff xmas party.

Savings that could cover the cost of our procurement service several times over. If you prefer to not have to pay for the bespoke procurement service then contact us to speak to our Procurement Consultant about our GSP for Schools Initiative. GSP for Schools could be the best financial decision your organisation has ever made.

We use the proven Category Management Process as standard:

Category Management

Our procurement service delivers the highest standards of governance, processes and tools overseen by our time served multi disciplinary team who possess deep knowledge and experience of how to get the best out of the bidder community for your school. Below is just a sample of what we provide to you as standard within our Procurement Service. Depending on the value/type of procurement not all steps will be used.

  • Category Management 7 Step Process
  • Advertising
  • OJEU Contract Notice
  • Bidder Engagement Events and Training
  • Electronic Tendering using Bravo Solution
  • Bespoke PQQ Documentation Preparation
  • ITT Documentations Preparation
  • Draft Contract issued by our in-house Contracts Solicitor with any HR related matters reviewed by our in-house Human Resources Solicitor
  • Service Specification
  • Assessment and Evaluator Training and Support
  • Preferred Bidder Notification
  • Finalise Contract and Contract Award supported by our Contracts Solicitor

To speak to a Consultant about procurements that you may or to prepare for an upcoming contract expiration, please call 0208 396 6846 or Request a Meeting or a Call-back. We can arrange to call you at a time to suit you.

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Copyright © 2017 The Education Business Limited / Phone: 0207 859 4947 / Email: [email protected]