
Delivering procurement know-how, knowledge and experience

We are a leading procurement service provider with a deep understanding of the procurement procedures of all major contributors, international economic establishments as well as numerous national sovereign states.  By providing qualified and transparent procurement services, we contribute to effective programme application by ensuring that goods, works and services are delivered in line with defined aims and objectives.

We support Governments worldwide and their public institutions realise value for money and better accountability in purchasing.

Restructuring Public Procurement Systems

As many countries have introduced public procurement reorganization, we have backed numerous clients to acquire successful, accountable and clear and accountable public sector procurement frameworks.

Procurement is critical in developing countries where public procurement accounts for over half of GDP and in countries where the private sector is small and the delivery of many services is undertaken by the public sector.

We help national governments achieve best value and savings, in the delivery of day to day public services, increased accountability to tax payers, reduced bribery, fraud and misconduct, and more effective aid by: creating a complete legal framework; developing a durable authoritative organisation and creating organisational and individual skills, knowledge and ability.

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